Kateřina Klementová
Historical dance - Regency

Dancer, choreographer and dance lecturer. Since her childhood, she has been occupied with contemporary dance, since 2000 has been focusing on the historical area. Studied by Barbara Sparti, Lieven Baert, Béatrice Massin and others,  nowadays she´s the leader of Chorea Historica, early dance ensemble. In 2007, she has founded a Czech branch of La Società di Danza, italian school of 19th century dance. On a long-term basis, se cooperates with the Czech Jane Austen Society.  She´s working as researcher and project manager in NIPOS, a cultural organization. She´s organizing and leading early dance workshops for children, youth and adults in Czechia and abroad. She is the lecturer of the educational programmes of the Czech Philharmonic.

Further information about Kateřina Klementová can be found at:


About The Class

Class will take place in the morning.

Level Of Skills Required

Beginners and pre-intermediate

What to wear

Soft dance shoes, comfortable workout clothes (shirt, pants/leggings – also for ladies; ladies also a wide skirt). Period costume for the final performance - if possible. But it can be also improvised: for gentleman short trousers, stockings, loose shirt with wide sleeves; for ladies long wide skirt, shirt, bodice. If you have something to lend to others, please bring it with you. Gentlemen! Bring a head covering (hat or beret), ladies pack a handkerchief and fan to flirt with during the dance.

Maximum number of students


Teaching Languages

Czech, English, Italian