We are very pleased to introduce the tutors team of this year’s summer school. All the information about tutors and classes can be found on our website. 🎵
And there are certainly dancers among you who are interested in taking a Renaissance dance class. Don’t worry, there will be a class, we’re just waiting for the tutor to confirm. More info coming very soon!
#mlssh #mlssh2025

Corina Marti - free spots!

3 VOLNÁ MÍSTA v sólové třídě třídě Coriny Marti!
3 SPOTS AVAILABLE in Corina Marti’s solo recorder class!

Přihlášky do této třídy jsou opět otevřené, první 3 přihlášení budou do třídy zařazeni.
Applications for this class are open again, the first 3 applicants will be placed in the class.


Applications for this year’s ISSEM will open on Tuesday 7 May at 6 p.m.. The address for the application form can be found here and on Facebook.

List of tutors and other news

 The list of tutors for this year’s ISSEM is already on our website!
 Info for violinists: currently we only have the violin class of Magdalena Malá confirmed. A second violin class tutor is in negotiations!
 Prices and other information about the summer school program will be published in the next few days.
 APPLICATIONS will open during April, we will inform you about the exact date in due time.

Keep an eye on our website and social media so you don’t miss anything. #mlssh READ MORE

ISSEM Valtice 2024

Dear friends, 36th ISSEM will take place on June 29 – July 7. We are looking forward to see you in Valtice 😀❤️