Are you afraid you cannot participate in the summer school because you did not reach the necessary playing level as yet or, on the contrary, do you hesitate to participate because you might get bored? There is no need to hesitate – we have prepared for you a wide range of both individual and collective classes of all levels, from which everyone can choose the right one, according to one´s abilities. Detailed description of each class offers information on the tutors´ demands. Read it, please, and consider carefully which class you will sign up for. If you are not sure which class would be suitable for you, feel free to apperal for help from us.
Several classes are aiming at children. In Valtice, little players afrom 5 years of age will have great fun. The only condition is the desire to play (something)!
The music and fine art school teachers are recommended to take individual instrumental and vocal classes or join the recorder ensembles.
For the other course-members are intended specialised classes offering interpretation of early music and historical instruments playing. Whether you choose individual or collective classes (orchestra, choral singing, historical dancing and acting), you alway have the chance to gain new skills and knowledge.
The tutors reserve the right not to accept a student in case that he or she doesn’t meet the level of skills required.