Ondřej Šmíd
Singing at a church service

Ondřej Šmíd is a singer and musicologist. He studied singing with Prof. Jiří Kotouč and at the MUNI Faculty of Music (Academy of Early Music and Musicology). As a cantor and tenor he works in the St. Vitus Cathedral and the Church of St. Salvator in Prague.

He performs and records mainly wihttps://www.early-music.cz/en/tutors-classes-2024/ondrej-smid-2/th the Capella Regia Ensemble. He has appeared at festivals such as Canto Gregoriano e polifonia (Italy), Musica Liturgica (Israel), Prague Spring, the Festival of Chamber Music Český Krumlov (Baroque opera), Concentus Moraviae, The Song of Our Roots (Poland).

He is interested in Baroque music, especially from the 17th century. The subject of his dissertation is Alberik Mazák. He also focuses on the works of Lodovico da Viadana and the French masters of the early 18th century. He is interested in singing technique, music theory, the science of the early Baroque, and especially rhetoric and aesthetics, which he regards as key components of performance.

He is vice-president of the Early Music Society and the Society for Sacred Music.

About The Class

The main output of the class is the common musical accompaniment of the Mass in the parish church on Sunday morning at the very end of the courses. It is also the intention of the seminar to offer the opportunity to actively perform
daily during the courses in the church at Mass; and to perform sacred music in its authentic function.

Participants from other classes who wish to “just sing” are welcome to apply. Attendance at Mass and rehearsal each day is not mandatory; it is up to agreement. The time of the short rehearsal and evening Mass does not conflict, it is included
after the schedule of regular classes. The program is adjusted to the interest. On weekdays we will rehearse and perform Renaissance and Baroque motets and songs together. Advanced students may perform their own rehearsed pieces. There
will be sheet music suitable for solos and smaller ensembles, for deeper individual work beyond the common class time. Collaboration with organists, lutenists and other instrumentalists is of course welcome.
Rehearsal and participation in the final Mass is the only fixed point in the program so that we know in advance who we can count on.

Time schedule:
15:45–16:45 repertoire for weekdays
16:45–17:45 common program for Sunday
18:00–18:45 singing in the mass (Friday 9:00)
14:00–15:30 individual work

Level Of Skills Required

All levels

Maximum number of students

No limit

Teaching Languages

Czech, English